The Station Church is Launching!

02 Feb The Station Church is Launching!

We are so excited to be launching our church at the Cultural Arts Center at Carlsbad High School on February 19th @10:00 am! I’m not sure what you’re experience with church is, or whether or not you even like the idea of church, but we’re out to change the negative reputation that tends to be associated with the word “church.” Here’s what I mean…

We’re very strategic with everything we do. At the heartbeat of the station church is a mission. Simply put, we exist to connect the disconnected. Sure this is Jesus’ Commission as He lays it out in Matthew 28:19. His final orders for us, for His church…”Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you to do.” In other words Jesus is telling us to be entirely centered around and preoccupied with what He was and still is…the lost.

But the more I walk with Jesus and spend time in His word, the more I understand His heart, what makes it bursting with joy, and what breaks it.

Jesus is hurting. Not to say that this is the only emotion that predominates His life. I don’t mean to paint a picture of melancholy, goth Jesus. But there are real people all around us, in your life and in mine that are far from Him.

These people matter. They have a soul, they have desires, they have unrealized potential. But disconnected from the true vine of Jesus, they are dead. They are not living out the plan that God so intricately designed for their lives. A plan that wouldn’t be without struggles, without challenge, but that would be completely fueled and propelled by the joy of knowing exactly what you were created to do and to be.


But The Story Doesn’t End There

Jesus doesn’t sit at the right hand of the Father in Heaven, somber and dismayed. No, He is doing something about it. In fact the only thing that He said He would build is His Church. “Well how is that doing something about it” you may be thinking. Does this reveal to us some insight as to why the church really exists? Did Jesus in His infinite wisdom and foreknowledge know that the most effective way of reaching people and evangelizing the world would be through the local church? …I think so.

So here we are.Β Fueled by the same compassion that led Jesus to His excruciating death. We are His body. We are His vehicle for salvation. We are His church. And with all our imperfections and shortcomings, we will succeed because we will not rest. We will not stop until we see people’s lives transformed.

Until we see a move of God in north San Diego county like we’ve never seen, until people know undeniably that God is moving because there’s no way we could have done all that He is going to do! Jesus is our captain. He’s got the strategy, the provision, the wisdom and cunning, He’s got the victory. So at this church, we’re gonna give Him the ball. And as we do, one by one He is going to save people. He is going to give hope to the suicidal, peace to the worried, purpose to the confused. He’s going to give rest and comfort and healing to the burdened and salvation to all who desire it. That’s the God we serve. That’s the Lord we worship and who directs our paths. His blessings are innumerable and His grace is enough. The best is yet to come. We are just getting started. Will you be part of what God is doing?

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